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Shane's Motor Sports Weekly

This my site thanks for coming.
Hi I am Dustin and this is my site.I will give you up to week sports news.You may vote for stud of the week,loser of the week and hottie of the week.I will give you my picks and let you make your picks on football,basketball,and baseball pro and college.
Up coming events
The B.C.S sucks the Huskies should play in the championship. Now we get the pure sport. Thats NCAA basketball baby. Mt site will keep you informed through the MADDNESS.
This is the stud of the week!
Stud of the week is 76ers star Allen Iverson who is hurt now but he still can rap.

Rose Bowl
I think the Huskies well stop there offense becuase Wasington has a good D-line and Purdue has a young O-line. The Huskies in a blow out 45-24. Hey if you like the wwf go to my onther site.

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